DesirousOfChange stated: Meeting attendance ....down.
That is the first thing that came to mind.......Meeting Attendance.
Years ago it seemed that most had if anything a goal of perfect meeting attendance. Today it seems more & more could give a S#$T about it and allow recreation, family, holiday and anything else to interfere. I know for myself and many friends & family, our attendance has gone from 95% or better to around 70% & dropping.
I see the same trend in the rest of the servant body & their family.
I see this as a big indicator that the GB are difinitely losing their grip. It is as though the WTBTS needs a new theme, facelift, name or something in order to recapture the R&F's interest.
I sometimes imagine WTBTS like WoolWorth Discount Department Stores of old ........if you know what I mean.
Anyway this is a change in the Witnesses I've noticed of recent. Put that in your pipe & smoke it!